Category Archives: EFL CD ROMs

On the CELTA, Japan, and very small learners

An interview with Charlie Richards of Learning Tree English, a private language school for 16 and unders (sometimes far unders!) in Osaka. “I first came across your school through your excellent examples of young learner lessons on YouTube. Typical lessons … Continue reading

Posted in CELTA, Cultural differences/ cultural training, Discipline in the classroom, EFL CD ROMs, English through craftwork, Lesson planning, Phonics, pre-school/ kindergarten/ very young learners, Teaching English in Japan, Teaching Japanese primary school children, Teaching young learners, Technology, TEFL career planning, TEFL games, textbooks, Using songs with kids, Using storybooks | Tagged | 2 Comments

New TEFL articles etc October 2009

Chuseok holiday came just at the right point for me, so for once you can actually read my articles in the month which they are supposed to be for: Natural Interactions (in HLT magazine for the first time in many … Continue reading

Posted in EFL CD ROMs, ELT World, Grammar games, HLT magazine, Present Perfect Continuous, Specific English, Teaching English in Turkey, TEFL, TEFL blogs, TEFL games, TEFL Tradesman | 9 Comments

ELT publishing trendspotter

New ways of getting content – Big publishers have been buying up books from smaller publishers (e.g. a couple from Helbling Languages ending up on CUP and Oxford buying up some business skills books) and even self-published books (I gave a … Continue reading

Posted in board games, Cambridge University Press, Critical Mass ELT, Delta Publishing, EFL CD ROMs, EFL geek, ELT Journal, ELT publishing, getting into ELT publishing, Helbling Languages, links, Macmillan, Marshall Cavendish, Materials, modern english teacher magazine, online games, Oxford University Press (OUP), Pearson Longman, Technology, TEFL, TEFL blogs, TEFL e books, TEFL games, TEFL reviews, textbooks, Writing ELT textbooks and materials | 7 Comments