Present Perfect Simple and Continuous job interview roleplay cards


You want a job as a nurse but you haven’t treated any patients yet. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want a job as an estate agent but you have only been working as an estate agent for one week. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want a job as a car salesman but you’ve only sold one car in two years. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want to be an ambulance driver but you haven’t passed your driving test. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want a job as a doctor but you have killed two patients. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want a job as a heart surgeon but you’ve been working as a plastic surgeon, not a heart surgeon. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want to be an office worker but you haven’t used a computer before. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want to be a policeman but you’ve been in prison. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want to be a marriage counsellor but you’ve been married 6 times. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.
You want to be the model for the Marlboro Man but you’ve given up smoking. Don’t tell your partner what your problem is until they ask the right question. For the answers to other questions, use your imagination.

Teacher’s instructions

Students ask interview questions until they find out the reason why they shouldn’t give that person the job, using the correct tense to name the problem. The person answering the question can’t lie about the thing on their card, but they can try to avoid the question.


PDF version for easy saving and printing: Present Perfect Simple Continuous job roleplays probs

Related pages

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous page

Job applications page

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