Short answers Answer me game

Teacher’s instructions

Photocopy and cut up the worksheet below so that students have one half each. They must say things to get the (natural) reactions on their card from their partner, at which point they can cross them off. The first student to finish their whole card (or the student with most crossed off when the teacher stops the game) wins the game.                     



Student A



Student B



Yes, I will



Yes, I have


Yes, I am


Yes, I would



Yes, I can



Yes, I had


Yes, I was


Yes, I could




Yes, there is



Yes, I do


Yes, it is


Yes, there are


Yes, there were


Yes, I did


Yes, they are


Yes, there was



PDF for easy saving and printing: Short answers answer me

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Short answers page

Answer me! (TEFLtastic classics Part Three)

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