Module 1 and 2 memory test

Choose any of the questions below to test your partner’s memory

What is the difference between the Present Simple tense and the Present Continuous tense? What words and expressions often go with each one (e.g. “at the moment”)?

What are other ways of saying “How are you”?

What does the text say about the British and TV, newspapers and books?

What does the text say about housework?

What does the text say about British people and cooking?

Who are the sportiest nationalities?

What do British employees do at work other than working?

How many family words can you remember?

How many words for friends can you remember?

How many words for people you have a romantic attachment to can you remember?

What do you call a rich man’s glamorous second wife?

What do Philip and Petra have in common? What things are different?

What do Andrew and Carrie have in common? What does Andrew want to do?

How can you start and finish formal and informal emails?

What are the differences between formal and informal emails?

What are the ten memory tips?

What does the text say about chewing gum?

What does the text say about learning long numbers?

What does the text say about mental arithmetic?

What does the text say about food?


PDF version for easy printing: Module1And2MemoryTest

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