IELTS Speaking Part Two presentations on music

Objective IELTS Advanced Unit 6

Student A- Examiner

“Now I’d like you to speak for one or two minutes on the topic I will give you. First you have one minute to prepare what you want to say. You can make notes if you wish. Here is your topic sheet” (Hand over now).

Describe a song or piece of music that you like

You should say:

What kind of music it is

What you like about it

How you first became interested in that music

And say how that music is different from other music that you like

 After a maximum of one minute, interrupt the preparation by saying something like “Please start speaking (now)”.

 If the candidate speaks for less than one minute, wait silently and gesture that they should continue. If they continue speaking after 2 minutes interrupt them by asking them a question about what they said.

 Ask the candidate 1 question about what they have just said


IELTS Speaking Part Two Music

Student B- Candidate 

Describe a song or piece of music that you like

You should say:

What kind of music it is

What you like about it

How you first became interested in that music

And say how that music is different from other music that you like


PDF for easy saving and printing: IELTS Speaking Part Two music

Related pages

IELTS Speaking Part Two page

Objective IELTS Advanced page

Music vocabulary page

Over 300 more pages of IELTS Speaking classroom materials available at

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