Nature discussion questions

IELTS Graduation Unit 5 

Cloning discussion questions

Are you generally in favour of or against cloning of animals? How about humans?

What restrictions should be put on cloning? Do you trust scientists to control themselves, or should governments set the rules?

Under what circumstances do you think cloning of humans should be allowed?

Do you think cloning of pets should be allowed? How about endangered animals?

Endangered animals discussion questions

What animals in your country have become or are likely to become extinct? Do you think more could and should be done to protect them?

Is extinction of species a serious problem, or is it just an inevitable part of evolution and modern life?

In many places the reason why animals like wolves and bears are becoming extinct is because they are hunted to keep local populations of people from danger. However, environmentalists think the populations of even these animals should increase. What are the arguments on both sides, and which do you agree with?

How can you deal with endangered dangerous animals other than allowing hunting?


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