26 making arrangements roleplays

Choose and roleplay telephone calls, email exchanges or face-to-face conversations making arrangements in one of the situations below, perhaps by choosing a number at random.

For reasons of politeness, you both offer to meet at the other person’s office.

For reasons of politeness, you both want the other person to suggest a time and place first.

Make an arrangement to meet the other person at their office while you are in New York for a trade fair.

Make an arrangement to meet your colleague in the station before you catch the bullet train together.

One of you doesn’t want to meet but is too polite to say so.

One of you needs to bring forward a meeting.

One of you needs to cancel a meeting.

One of you needs to delay a meeting.

One of you wants to meet as soon as possible but the other is very busy.

One of you wants to meet as soon as possible, but the other doesn’t see the reason for the rush.

Phone a business contact. You are both flying around Asia all next month and want to make an arrangement to meet when you are in the same city.

The first time that you suggest isn’t possible

The first venue that you suggest isn’t possible

You agree on a venue but one you don’t know where it is.

You are not sure if you are allowed to meet (for example because they are a competitor).

You are rarely both in the same country at the same time.

You aren’t 100% sure about your other arrangements

You both want to invite the other out for food and/ or drinks.

You both want to meet, but your other plans could easily change.

You can’t agree on a venue.

You disagree on how long you need to meet for.

You have heard that the other person is coming to your city for three days. Invite them out for dinner.

You have heard that the other person is travelling to the same city as you. Offer them a seat in your car and arrange a time and place to meet.

You need people from two different departments to come to a meeting. You arrange a time with the first person, but when you phone the second person they are not available at that time.

You need to check with someone else before you can finalise the arrangement

You want to meet, but you need to arrange it with many other people too.


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