Business English B and V Pronunciation Pairwork

Student A 

Part A


Read the definitions below and add the correct letter: ‘v’ or ‘b’

Cooperation between two or more companies: a joint ____enture

The extra money employees receive once or twice a year: ______onus

A house, factory, warehouse, office block etc: A _______uilding

The person above you in the company: your ______oss.


What is the difference in mouth position between a “v” and “b” sound? Which one is most similar to a “p” sound and which one is most similar to a “f” sound?


Part B

Giving definitions similar to those above, explain a word on the right below to your partner. When they have guessed which word you are describing (their words are in a different order to yours), check that they are pronouncing it with the correct “b” or “v” sound and they should be able to fill in the correct missing letter. You can correct their pronunciation, but they cannot ask you the spelling.

After one word, switch roles and listen to your partner’s definition and try to guess the word and pronounce it correctly.

_______ision                                                                    A veteran

An ad_____ertisement                                                    Boycott

A  _____u______le                                                      A bargain

A  ____acation                                                               A balance sheet

_______lue collar workers                                             A broker

A de_____eloper                                                              Initiative

An inter_____iew                                                             A convention

Inno______ation                                                             To bargain

A briefing

Business English B and V Pronunciation Pairwork

Student B


Part A


Read the definitions below and add the correct letter: ‘v’ or ‘b’

Cooperation between two or more companies: a joint ____enture

The extra money employees receive once or twice a year: ______onus

A house, factory, warehouse, office block etc: A _______uilding

The person above you in the company: your ______oss.


What is the difference in mouth position between a “v” and “b” sound? Which one is most similar to a “p” sound and which one is most similar to a “f” sound?


Part B


Giving definitions similar to those above, explain a word on the left below to your partner. When they have guessed which word you are describing (their words are in a different order to yours), check that they are pronouncing it with the correct “b” or “v” sound and they should be able to fill in the correct missing letter. You can correct their pronunciation, but they cannot ask you the spelling.


After one word, switch roles and listen to your partner’s definition and try to guess the word and pronounce it correctly.

Blue collar workers                                                            A  _______roker

Vision                                                                                  Initiati______e

An advertisement                                                              A  ___eteran

A developer                                                                       A  ______oycott

A vacation                                                                          A  ________riefing

Innovation                                                                          A con________ention

A bubble                                                                             A  _______argain

An interview                                                                      A  _______alance sheet

To _____argain


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