Dieting discussion questions

Student A

1. What do you think your ideal weight is? How did you choose that weight?

2. Is dieting becoming more widespread in your country (e.g. with children or men)? Why do you think that is?

3. What things are more and less important than weight in the appearance of a man and a woman?

4. Are anorexia and bulimia becoming more of a problem in your country? Why do you think that is? Do you blame anyone in particular (e.g. television, skinny fashion models)? What can be done about it?

5. Can you think of any fad diets (diets that quickly became popular and then quickly faded away)? Why do you think people keep falling for fad diets?

6. What is your own experience of dieting?

7. Can food be an addiction?

8. Would you start smoking or decide not to quit if you knew it helped you lose weight?


Dieting discussion questions

Student B

1. How important is your weight to you?

2. What weight is a man or woman “fat” from, in your opinion? When does that become “obesity” (i.e. a medical problem)?

3. Is obesity becoming more of a problem in your country? Why do you think that is? Do you blame anyone in particular (e.g. the parents, food companies, the government)? What can be done about it?

4. What diets are most popular in your country at the moment? Why are they more popular than others?

5. Are there any differences in attitudes to dieting across cultures and generations?

6. Do you think diets work? What is the most important factor of a diet that works?

7. What diets would you recommend? Does it depend on the type of person or their aims?

8. Are there any similarities between dieting and giving up smoking?

9. If you knew a diet was unhealthy but made you lose weight, would you still use it? Do you know anyone who would?


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