Going to mimes

Everybody Up 4 Units 1 to 8

Mime preparing to do the action until your partner(s) guess the whole sentence. Don’t start doing the thing, only mime getting ready to start.

You’re going to drink tea


You’re going to fly a kite

You’re going to ride a horse

You’re going to swim

You’re going to fly to space


You’re going to go canoeing


You’re going to have a picnic


You’re going to hike


You’re going to lie on the beach


You’re going to make a clay bowl


You’re going to play baseball


You’re going to play golf


You’re going to play tennis


You’re going to play volleyball


You’re going to practise the piano


You’re going to snowboard


You’re going to use a computer

You’re going to run

You’re going to take a picture

You’re going to ice skate

You’re going to drive

You’re going to play the guitar

You’re going to paint

You’re going to take a taxi

You’re going to take the subway

You’re going to take a bus

You’re going to climb a mountain

You’re going to give someone a card

You’re going to sleep in a tent

You’re going to sleep in a sleeping bag


You’re going to watch birds


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