Design vocabulary list dictation

A: Without looking at the lists below, listen to your teacher read out a list of related words. Try to guess what the connection is, but each person can only guess once for each group of words so be careful when you guess!

B: Add the categories to each of these lists:

 square, circle/ round, semi-circle, pentagon, (right angled/ regular/ irregular) triangle, rectangle/ oblong, ellipse/ oval/ egg shape, diamond,

 pyramid, cone, tube, dome, cube, sphere, hemisphere, spiral/ helix

 mauve, aquamarine, bright, fluorescent, pastel, clear/ colourless, transparent, translucent

 screw, nail, joint, (super)glue, slot, bolt, nut

 length, height, width/ breadth, thickness, depth, radius, circumference, diameter, surface area, volume

 vertical/ pointing up, diagonal/ leaning, horizontal/ lying down, straight, curve/ bend

 denim, polyester, Lycra, lace, wool, cashmere, nylon

 mortar, concrete, cement, paint, paper, carbon-fibre, plastic, glass

 rubber, metal, plastic, leather, foam, glass

 canvas, paint, charcoal, clay, Playdoh, card, cardboard, glue, sellotape, charcoal

 aluminium, stainless steel, copper, bronze, platinum, gold, iron, tin, alloy, titanium, silver

 immobile/ static/ stationary, swing, pivot, bend, slide, click, spring, portable, flexible, stiff/ rigid, twist

 sand, marble, wood, reed, grass, rubber, leather, bark

 zip/ zipper, Velcro, popper, button, catch, bolt,

 edge, surface/ exterior, interior, rim, base, top, lid/ cover, stand, handle

 dotted, (pin)striped, tartan/ check, plain, flecked, camouflaged,

 cellophane, acrylic, vinyl, Styrofoam, PET

 wind up/ clockwork, mechanical, solar-powered, electric, pedal-powered

 compact, tiny, miniscule, huge, massive, bulky, wide, long, short, narrow, thin, thick, portable, microscopic, medium-sized, gigantic, enormous, pocket-sized

 rough, smooth, bumpy, ridged, sticky, soft, hard, squashy, spongy

Compare your answers with those on the next page.

Design vocabulary list dictation Answer key

 2D shape – square, circle/ round, semi-circle, pentagon, (right angled/ regular/ irregular) triangle, rectangle/ oblong, ellipse/ oval/ egg shape, diamond,

 3 D shape – pyramid, cone, tube, dome, cube, sphere, hemisphere, spiral/ helix

 colour – mauve, aquamarine, bright, fluorescent, pastel, clear/ colourless, transparent, translucent

 assembly/ construction – screw, nail, joint, (super)glue, slot, bolt, nut

 dimension – length, height, width/ breadth, thickness, depth, radius, circumference, diameter, surface area, volume

 direction – vertical/ pointing up, diagonal/ leaning, horizontal/ lying down, straight, curve/ bend

 textile/ fabric/ cloth – denim, polyester, Lycra, lace, wool, cashmere, nylon

 manmade material – mortar, concrete, cement, paint, paper, carbon-fibre, plastic, glass

 material a car is made from – rubber, metal, plastic, leather, foam, glass

 material for arts and crafts – canvas, paint, charcoal, clay, Playdoh, card, cardboard, glue, sellotape, charcoal

 metal – aluminium, stainless steel, copper, bronze, platinum, gold, iron, tin, alloy, titanium, silver

 movement – immobile/ static/ stationary, swing, pivot, bend, slide, click, spring, portable, flexible, stiff/ rigid, twist

 natural material – sand, marble, wood, reed, grass, rubber, leather, bark

 opening and closing – zip/ zipper, Velcro, popper, button, catch, bolt,

 part – edge, surface/ exterior, interior, rim, base, top, lid/ cover, stand, handle

 pattern – dotted, (pin)striped, tartan/ check, plain, flecked, camouflaged,

 plastic – cellophane, acrylic, vinyl, Styrofoam, PET

 power – wind up/ clockwork, mechanical, solar-powered, electric, pedal-powered

 size – compact, tiny, miniscule, huge, massive, bulky, wide, long, short, narrow, thin, thick, portable, microscopic, medium-sized, gigantic, enormous, pocket-sized

 texture – rough, smooth, bumpy, ridged, sticky, soft, hard, squashy, spongy

Can you add anything to any of the lists above or make more similar lists? You can use a dictionary to help you if you like.

Test each other in new pairs, using the new words you have written if you like.

What are the differences between these things?

– square/ rectangle

– a vinyl bag/ a plastic bag (= carrier bag)

– wide/ large

– large/ bulky

– small/ compact


PDF for easy saving and printing:  Design vocabulary

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