New songs and music worksheets pages

Halfway through my big reorganisation of TEFLtastic, found that I had, for some strange reason, combined music and song worksheets on one page. Have therefore split it into two updated and expanded pages, one on music (describing and discussing music, including linking to topics like giving opinions, making recommendations, articles/ determiners and IELTS), and another with my actual song worksheets (for second conditional, collocations, prepositions, tense review, adjectives, word order, narrative tenses, etc).

Music page (new page)

Songs page (repurposed, renamed and expanded)

There are also links to songs for particular language points on many of my pages for specific topics such as Present Continuous and possessives. New list here:

Pages with suggestions for songs for specific language points for EFL learners

Action word songs

Adjectives songs

Animal vocabulary songs

Articles songs

Body vocabulary songs

Can/ Can’t songs

Clothes vocabulary songs

Colour vocabulary songs

Comparative adjectives songs

Comparative and superlative songs

Conditionals songs

Dates songs

Days of the week songs

Determiners songs

ed and ing adjectives songs

Family vocabulary songs

Feelings songs

First conditional songs

Food vocabulary songs

Imperative songs

Likes and dislikes songs

Modals songs

Months songs

Numbers songs

Opposites songs

Ordinal songs

Past continuous songs

Past Simple songs

Past tenses songs

Phonics songs

Plurals songs

Possessive adjectives songs

Possessive S songs

Possessives songs

Prepositions songs

Prepositions of movement songs

Prepositions of position songs

Prepositions of time songs

Present Continuous for future arrangements songs

Present Continuous songs

Present Perfect Continuous songs

Present Perfect songs

Present Simple and Continuous songs

Present Simple songs

Requests songs

Second conditional songs

Shapes songs

Short answers songs

Superlative songs

Telling the time songs

Tense review songs

There is/ There are songs

Third person S songs

Time expressions songs

Toys vocabulary songs

Transport vocabulary songs

Used to songs

Want/ Want to songs

Weather vocabulary songs

Will songs

Yes/ No questions songs

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