Bulgaria and Romania fret over possible flood of UK TEFLers

The Prime Minister of Romania and Foreign Minister of Bulgaria yesterday publically expressed their concerns over the expected sudden influx of low skilled, semi-nomadic TEFL teachers from the UK from January 2014 following the end of visa restrictions, many of them fleeing unemployment, low wages and prejudice against TEFLers in their own country.

Both men mentioned their worries that the sudden appearance of hundreds or thousands of foreign English teachers might quickly spread the traditional prejudice against TEFLers that exists back home for them into the new countries, given their reputation for not learning the language, not mixing with the locals (except for hitting on local women), hanging round in large groups until late in the night, and living crowded into sub-standard housing along with fellow TEFLers.

On a more positive note, both governments expressed a warm welcome to more skilled British citizens wishing to move to the Romania and Bulgaria from the beginning of next year. Examples of more suitable immigrants that they mentioned included car park attendants, masseurs, people who paint themselves up and stand very still like statues, and telephone handset sanitation engineers.

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