Conversation questions – 40 games, worksheets, articles and links

Used the “opportunity” of having to manually paste twenty or so links in to add my two articles on the topic, divide the worksheets up so that there are sections on conversation questions for specific grammar points and actual conversation question games, and add relevant links to IELTS and BULATS Speaking etc.

Discussion questions games/ photocopiables/ teaching ideas

Just another 100 or so index pages to go! For details of how to access my other stuff in the meantime, please click on the Communication games/ Worksheets link under the photo above.  Alternatively just stick in “TEFLtastic” or “Alex Case” with your Google search for “adverbs with comparatives” or whatever and there’s a fair chance something will pop up.

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1 Response to Conversation questions – 40 games, worksheets, articles and links

  1. alexcase says:

    Link wasn’t working. Now fixed

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