Teaching aspect (rather than tenses)

This is something I’ve been writing about as I’ve struggled to find ways to do it rather than anything I’m an expert on (if indeed there is anything I’m an expert on), so other people’s ideas gratefully received, e.g. in comments below.

Here are my articles of classroom ideas:

Continuous aspect activities – LINK FIXED

Teaching perfect tenses – LINK FIXED

Perfect aspect worksheets

Continuous aspect worksheets

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2 Responses to Teaching aspect (rather than tenses)

  1. CP says:

    Honestly, anything I could suggest would pale by comparison with what’s already been written by Rosemary Aitken in Teaching Tenses!

  2. Alex Case says:

    The English Verb is my bible for this, but I can’t remember any actual good classroom ideas from it. Never been in a school with a copy of Aitken in it, so summarizing your favourite ideas would be much appreciated!

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