Post-discussion discussion and brainstorming

How well do you think you did these things? (Optional: Give yourselves a collective score between 0 – didn’t do it at all- and 10 – did it perfectly – for each of the things below)

– Supporting your arguments (e.g. with personal experience and examples)

– Avoiding over-generalising such as saying “Women + verb…”

– Showing how strong or not your opinions are

– Disagreeing politely

– Working towards a consensus

– Turn taking (= Making sure that everyone had an equal chance to speak, for example inviting other people to contribute, interrupting politely, and politely stopping or ending interruption)

Starting with the things you did least well, discuss how you could have improved on those things.

Do the same below, but this time writing suitable phrases to do those things better.

Supporting your arguments

Avoiding over-generalising such as saying “Women + verb…”

Showing how strong or not your opinions are

Disagreeing politely

Working towards a consensus

Inviting other people to contribute

Interrupting politely

Politely stopping or ending interruption


PDF version for easy saving and printing: post-discussion-brainstorming

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