Present Simple cultural customs bluffing game

Read the British customs that your teacher tells you to. How many do you think are true? 

Once a year it is the custom for women to cook flat cakes in a frying pan and race down the street, throwing the cakes (called pancakes) into the air and catching them in the pans.

Sometimes men tie bells to their legs and dance in the street, waving their handkerchiefs in the air.

It is an old custom to tie ribbons to a tall wooden post and dance round it until all the ribbons are wrapped round the post.

Once a year a group of men roll a large cheese down a steep hill, and then run down after it.

Once a year children in Britain traditionally make a model of a man from paper and old clothes and put it on a big fire.

It is traditional to put apples into a bowl of water and try to pick them up with your teeth on one day in the year.

People sometimes communicate with each other by lighting big fires on the tops of hills.

Sometimes young men sit over a river on a long tree trunk which has been covered with fat and try to knock each other off it by hitting each other with pillows.

Once a year, the King or Queen gives a small gift of money to twelve poor people.

In one town people stand on flowerpots in the middle of the street, and someone tries to knock them off the flowerpots with a dead fish on a piece of string.


Write one true custom from your country, region or hometown and make up two false ones. Can the class and/ or teacher guess which one is true?


Choose one of the customs and write two similar but imaginary British customs. Read them out to another group and see if they can guess which one is true.








All of the customs are true.


PDF for saving and printing: Present Simple cultural customs bluff

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Cultural training page

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Bluffing games blog post

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